M & W Minerals
Walter R. Kellogg
517 294 6709
Halides Gallery
Go here for the Fluorite Gallery
Halite, Atacamite, Credite, Sylvite, and others
minerals in alphabetical order by first letter only
click on the title link or photo to proceed to a specimen's page
6506 Atacamite over Malachite
Cattle Grid deposit, Mount Gunson Copper mines, Pernatty Lagoon, Stuart Shelf, South Australia, Australia 6.7 x 6 x 2.2 cm SOLD
6866 Carlhintzeite, Phosphosiderite, Bermanite
Serra Branca Pegmatite, Pedra Lavadra, Paraiba, Brazil Ca2[AlF6]F·H2O Ex. Luiz Menezes 7.8 x 3.3 x 2.2 cm $100
6615 Creedite
Mina Navidad, Abasolo, Durango, Mexico Ex. Norm Woods 12.3 x 10.4 x 10.1 cm SOLD