Mineral Specimen #3980 Stilbite (possibly Barrerite) on Stalactic Quartz
Kuiu Island, Sitka Borough, Alaska
8.5 x 7.3 x 6.1 cm
3.3 x 2.9 x 2.4 in
$100 Click here to order this mineral.
Ex. A. C. Moretta #316, Ex. A. E. Seaman Museum
An interesting stalactic formation of Quartz rises above a plate of Quartz both of which are coated with a fine druze of Quartz crystals. The Quartz is snow white in color and has a lot of sparkle. Attached to the stalactic formation are thin, platy crystals of Stilbite which range in color from clear to white with a slight pink/orange tint in places. Although the label reads Stilbite, there is a strong possibility the much rarer Barrerite is present.
The specimen is in good condition but some of the Stilbite/Barrerite crystals are incomplete.
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From the United States | Zeolites | Quartz | Minerals Priced Between 100 and 199 Dollars
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From the United States | Zeolites | Quartz | Minerals Priced Between 100 and 199 Dollars