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M & W Minerals

Walter R. Kellogg


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Mineral Specimen #4038    Manganoan Twinned Calcite, Quartz, Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite

Madan, Bulgaria

5.8 x 5.4 x 2.5 cm
Largest Calcite XLs are slightly over 1 cm across
2.3 x 2.1 x 1 in

$45      Click here to order this mineral.                                                                                                                                                              

Ex. Kirk Valuet

This specimen is covered with twinned Calcite crystals which have a high glossy luster and are a light pastel pink color. Each termination is composed of three faces. In many places, the Calcite crystals are stacked on top of one another. Also present are small, long, thin Quartz crystals which are coated with off white, slightly yellow, colored Calcite. The matrix is composed of black Sphalerite, Chalcopyrite and Quartz. There are reddish brown micro crystals of an unidentified species on the faces of some of the Calcite crystals. Under UV SW, the Calcite fluoresces pink/orange. The specimen is in very good condition with no appreciable damage.

This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Europe | Calcite | Sulfides and Sulfosalts | Quartz | Minerals Priced Between 25 and 49 Dollars
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Europe | Calcite | Sulfides and Sulfosalts | Quartz | Minerals Priced Between 25 and 49 Dollars