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M & W Minerals

Walter R. Kellogg


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Mineral Specimen #4195    Fluorite, Galena

Heights Mine, Westgate, Weardale, North Pennines, Co. Durham, England

6.6 x 3.2 x 2.8 cm
largest fluorite XL is 10 x 6 x 3 mm
2.6 x 1.3 x 1.1 in

$70      Click here to order this mineral.                                                                                                                                                              

Ex. H. R. McBroom, from trade with Sam Weller, 1983

Bright, light green colored cubic crystals of Fluorite cover both sides of this specimen. Some of the crystals are penetration twins. Similar to the more recently mined, nearby, Rogerley mine material but a lighter, more attracitve. A few rounded Galena crystals are present showing some partial pseudomorphing to either Cerussite of Hydrocerussite. Micro druze Quartz is alos present in the matrix. The specimen is in good condition but the largest crystal on the bottom of the specimen is incomplete.

This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Europe | Fluorite | Sulfides and Sulfosalts | Fluorescents | Minerals Priced Between 50 and 99 Dollars
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Europe | Fluorite | Sulfides and Sulfosalts | Fluorescents | Minerals Priced Between 50 and 99 Dollars