Mineral Specimen #4662 Tourmaline
Paprock, Nuristan, Afghanistan
5.1 x 4.4 x 3.7 cmThe two crystals measure 5.5 x 2.3 x 2.1 cm & 3.8 x 1.8 x 1.9. The specimen weighs 79.6 grams.
2 x 1.7 x 1.5 in
Ex. Edward Colmeman purchased from Rocksaholic.
Two thick Tourmaline crystals conjoined at an acute angle. The larger crystal is double terminated with one termination being composed of three triangular faces one of which is much larger than the other two. This termination is at an approximately 30 degree angle from the C axis. The other termination of the larger crystal is smooth and flat. The termination of the smaller crystal is flat with some of the edges being beveled. The overall color is a light, pastel, attractive pink which is more vivid at the angled termination of the larger crystal. The interior color of the crystals is actually a richer pink color but there is a rind of very pale blue/green up to 2 mm in thickness which mutes the pink color. There is also another layer of pink over the blue/green layer. This pink layer is very thin, less than .5 mm. There is another zone of this pale blue/green coloration near the flat termination of the larger crystal. This is approximately 1 mm in thickness and is capped with a layer of pink about the same thickness. The sides of the crystals are striated and have good luster. The termination of the smaller crystal and the angled termination of the larger crystal have a high, glassy luster. The luster of the flat termination of the larger crystal is a bit dull. There is a thin Albite crystal partially included in the larger crystal, just below the termination. The iron staining on this Albite crystal is much less noticeable in person than in the photos. This is also true with the Lepidolite aggregate on the side of the crystal.
Condition: Very Good
Flaws: There is a small amount of minor chipping on some of the edges. There are a few internal cleaves in the crystals.
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Asia | Tourmaline | Minerals Priced 500 Dollars and Greater