Mineral Specimen #5150 Natrolite, Analcime
Cairns Bay, Flinders area, Victoria, Australia
7.4 x 4.8 x 4.5 cm
2.9 x 1.9 x 1.8 in
$25 Click here to order this mineral.
Ex. Steve Pullman
Radiating spheres of pink/orange colored, needle like crystals of Natrolite in vugs filled with small, glassy, transparent Analcime crystals. Please note: the specimen was labeled as Gmelinite and Natrolite - but this does not seem correct. Gmelinite is found at the location and is the same color as the Natrolite; however, there might be some underneath the Natrolite.
Condition: Good
Flaws: Nothing Appreciable
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Asia | Zeolites | Minerals Priced Between 25 and 49 Dollars
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Asia | Zeolites | Minerals Priced Between 25 and 49 Dollars