Mineral Specimen #5313 Dolomite and Hematite on Barite
Egremont, West Cumberland Iron Field, Cumbria, England
11 x 10.3 x 8.7 cm
4.3 x 4.1 x 3.4 in
$300 Click here to order this mineral.
Large, bladed crystals of Barite covered with Dolomite. Several of the Barite crystals also have on the surfaces, small, bladed Hematite crystals. These crystals are black in color with a high metallic luster. There are more Hematite crystals of a different habit, being very small, reddish brown to maroon in color. Some of these micro crystals have a sparkly luster. The color of the underlying Dolomite is a light yellow/tan and the Barite an off white. When backlit, the Barite crystals at the top of the specimen are translucent.
Condition: Very Good
Flaws: There is missing Barite crystal in the front of the specimen which is not noticable (see the front of the specimen, a few cm above the bottom of the specimen, of the first two pictures).
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Europe | Sulfates | Sulfides and Sulfosalts | Carbonates | Minerals Priced Between 300 and 499 Dollars
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Europe | Sulfates | Sulfides and Sulfosalts | Carbonates | Minerals Priced Between 300 and 499 Dollars