Mineral Specimen #6035 Aurichalcite
79 Mine, Hayden, Gila Co, Arizona
7.3 x 5.8 x 2.3 cm
2.9 x 2.3 x 0.9 in
$250 Click here to order this mineral.
This is an extremely attractive and unique specimen of Aurichalcite. The surface is covered with a thin layer which is silvery in color with a slight blue tint and a sub metallic luster. It looks a bit like blue tinted, crinkled, aluminum foil. The question being, is this thin layer Aurichalcite or some other mineral? I looked at all 867 photos on mindat, and saw nothing at all like it. Additionally, when the mine was being worked for specimens in the mid 90s, I bought hundreds of specimens by the flat from Mitchell Dale who did most of the work (and was allowed to keep all but the very best specimens) and never saw anything like this. Below the Aurichalcite, there are alternating layers of black matrix and white to very light blue colored Hemimorphite which was common at the mine.
Condition: Very Good to Excellent
Flaws: Nothing Appreciable
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Arizona | Carbonates | Minerals Priced Between 200 and 299 Dollars
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Arizona | Carbonates | Minerals Priced Between 200 and 299 Dollars