Mineral Specimen #6069 Double Chambered Thunderegg (unpolished)
Richardson Ranch (Priday Ranch), Madras, Jefferson Co., Oregon
10.4 x 8.4 x 4.3 cm
A double chambered Thundereggs in which the two chambers are significantly different. The larger chamber is mostly filled with straight, parallel layers of Chalcedony with the unfilled hollow lined with a thin layer of off white colored Chalcedony. The smaller chamber has a thin, Agate like banding surrounding it and the Chalcedony coating the interior of the hollow is a pinkish color and exhibits a stalactic growth patterns. A note on this pinkish colored, stalactic Chalcedony: in the picture, it has a shiny luster; however, this is due to the specimen still being a little wet due to being washed several hours before. In person, there is a thin, crust of white material present which lessens the color and gives it a matter luster. Although the specimen has not been polished, there are few saw marks which are very hard to see and in places, there surface is glossy. Possibly, it was partially polished, but not really well.
Condition: Fairly Good
Flaws: There are numerous cracks in Rhyolite. Another crack runs partially across the straight bands and a few more in the white colored Chalcedony in the white colored vug.
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From the United States | Quartz | Polished & Worked | Minerals Priced Between 25 and 49 Dollars