Mineral Specimen #6143 Smithsonite variety: Turkey Fat Pseudomorph after Dolomite
Philadelphia Mine, Rush, Rush Creek District, Marion Co., Arkansas
4.7 x 2.8 x 2.2 cm
$35 Click here to order this mineral.
On this specimen, Smithsonite has replaced Dolomite. The color of the Smithsonite varies from yellow to dark brown. The yellow color is due to the presence of Cadmium in the form of micro inclusions of Greenockite. On the bottom of the specimen, there are casts of unidentified now absent crystals.
Condition: Good
Flaws: There is one small damaged area on the bottom of the specimen where the underlying, bright yellow colored Smithsonite is revealed.
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From the United States | Carbonates | Pseudomorphs | Minerals Priced Between 25 and 49 Dollars
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From the United States | Carbonates | Pseudomorphs | Minerals Priced Between 25 and 49 Dollars