Mineral Specimen #6924 Rhodochrosite, Elpidite, Leifite, Calcite, Albite
Poudrette Quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Rouville RCM, Monteregie, Quebec, Canada
5.2 x 5.8 x 4.4 cmlargest rhodochrosite crystals is 5 mm on longest edge
2 x 2.3 x 1.7 in
$75 Click here to order this mineral.
Elpidite - Na2ZrSi6O15·3H2O, Leifite - Na7Be2(Si15Al3)O39(F,OH)2
The Rhodochrosite crystals on this specimen are a dark orange color and have a rhombic habit. This specimen is composed of a large cluster of gray colored Elpidite crystals covered with small Rhodochrosite crystals. There is a jumbled bass of curved gray colored Elpidite crystals.
Condition: Fairly Good
Flaws: Two sides of the specimen are in very good condition. The other sides are broken surfaces.
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Canada | Carbonates | Inosilicates | Phyllosilicates | Tectosilicates | Rare Minerals | Minerals Priced Between 50 and 99 Dollars
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Canada | Carbonates | Inosilicates | Phyllosilicates | Tectosilicates | Rare Minerals | Minerals Priced Between 50 and 99 Dollars