Mineral Specimen #6951 Double Terminated Colemanite Crystals on Stalactic Calcite
Extension 16, Boron Open Pit Mine, Boron, Kern Co., California
4.5 x 2.8 x 2.2 cm
1.8 x 1.1 x 0.9 in
$100 Click here to order this mineral.
Ex. E. Morales from J. Minette (mine manager at the time), November 1983
An extremely interesting specimen with double terminated Colemanite crystals perched on the sides and tops of agregates of Calcite crystals forming stalactic growths. The Calcite is a beige color with a hint of green and the Colemanite are clear to white (more clear in person than the pictures indicate). The specimen is glued to the stryofoam base of a perky box which is a very good idea considering the delicacy of the specimen not to mention keeping it free of dust.
Condition: Excellent
Flaws: Nothing Appreciable
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From California and Nevada | Calcite | Borates and Hydrocarbons | Minerals Priced Between 100 and 199 Dollars
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From California and Nevada | Calcite | Borates and Hydrocarbons | Minerals Priced Between 100 and 199 Dollars