Mineral Specimen #6988 Anilite with minor Azurite and Malachite
Surface Vein deposit, Painesdale, Adams Twp., Marquette Co., Michigan
8.7 x 4.9 x 3.5 cm
3.4 x 1.9 x 1.4 in
$50 Click here to order this mineral.
Collected by Jim Defoe
Dark silvery colored Anilite with a high metallic luster is found at one end of this specimen. Please note: mindat.org lists the location as being the Champion Mine. The Champion Mine is located on the outskirts of the unicorporated town of Painesdale which was built by the Champion Mining Company. The outcropping where specimens of this species were found is within the town on property which was formerly owned by the Champion mine. However, specimens of this species were never found in the mine or on it’s dumps. This is the only known location for this rare copper sulfide in Michigan. Minor Malachite and Azurite are also present.
Condition: Composed of massive material.
Flaws: Essentially massive material.
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Michigan | Sulfides and Sulfosalts | Carbonates | Rare Minerals | Minerals Priced Between 50 and 99 Dollars
This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From Michigan | Sulfides and Sulfosalts | Carbonates | Rare Minerals | Minerals Priced Between 50 and 99 Dollars