Red Beryl from Wah Wah Mountains, Utah


M & W Minerals

Walter R. Kellogg


517 294 6709

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Mineral Specimen #6990    Howeite

Laytonville quarry, Mendocino Co., California

Type Location

12.4 x 12.2 x 5.5 cm
4.9 x 4.8 x 2.2 in

$50      Click here to order this mineral.                                                                                                                                                              

Ex. Steve Pullman


The specimen is composed of a mass of black radiating bladed crystals of Howeite which have a high luster. The crystal sprays are well developed in layers.

Condition: Composed of massive material.

Flaws: Essentially massive material.

This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From California and Nevada | Inosilicates | Rare Minerals | Minerals Priced Between 50 and 99 Dollars

This mineral is also found in the following galleries: Minerals From California and Nevada | Inosilicates | Rare Minerals | Minerals Priced Between 50 and 99 Dollars